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E-Book Collection

Nigga Astrology-The Re-Up

To know the wisdom of Astrology is to know yourself. In this work you will learn the basics of Astrology from the Signs, Planets, Seasons, Aspects & more, in a language the common nigga will interpret with ease. A combination of formality mixed with ratchet. You’ll learn why certain people compliment you, while others look at you sideways. This is the new updated version. Get yours today!

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Hot Deal!

Astrology from a niggas perspective! Limited time offer of $11.11 

The Clepper Files

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Take a ride with the Prince of the Psychic world.  In this work Paul reveals some of the events that made him into the man he is now. The life story of his background and hellish tragic family. Sexual deviants, serial killers, evil spirits, wicked bitches, generational curses & more. "It is hard to be an angel when you’re surrounded by demons," as the great 2pac Shakur voiced. A true American Horror Story.

The Clepper Files” is the 1st volume of many to come.  An entertaining tragic family drama. 

Coming Spring 2025

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Urban Astrology

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The clean E rated version of Nigga Astrology.  Astrology information without all of the profanity. No curse words, & use of the word Nigga.  Ideal for children 5-17 as well as those who hate the word Nigga. Jean Paul is well aware that some individuals refuse to gravitate to such harsh profanity no matter how valuable the information is. So here's his solution to that ---> Urban Astrology.  <--- Preorder coming soon!

Astrology from a Psychic Brown Mans Perspective

Coming winter 2024

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